Patch 51
* The Maze now gives environmental hints when you are going in the right direction. This should make finding important rooms tremendously easier.
* The Ancient Armory’s vault now also contains between 5 and 12 tattoo scrolls that teach sorcery skills.
* You can now yell in the maze and be heard anywhere in the maze. Part echoes, part confusion, but it helps you communicate.
* No longer has those silly double extra confirmations.
* Raising and lowering schools and intellect graphs now works properly. If you don’t have enough stat points after sliding schools down and back up, it’ll take from other stats, starting with Might.
* Knightcraft, Banditry, Sorcery, Witchery, and Alchemy are now included in the schools change area.
* A bunch of bugs and issues were fixed with this.
We’ve run a function that finds characters with ‘illegal’ int / schools and sets them to 1 in all stats.
They also have a free stat reset, so go stat reset if this happened to you.
(This isn’t a punishment, the stat reset window will verify a new and working character setup with a legal amount of int)
* Stat change still only works with the classic client, but we are looking into adding it to Ogre.
* If you say, “What schools am I?”, you will be given a report of your schools and remaining levels.
* If you look at a spell or skill, you can now see the Primary stat it depends upon for softcap and often spellpower or damage.
You can also see a Secondary stat, if applicable.
Ex: Blast of Fire will say Primary Mysticism and Secondary Intellect, since its softcap and spellpower is Myst, but Intellect also helps for damage.
* Fencing Mastery now has a description when you look at the fencing skill as a master.
* Hammers now Stun when they crit instead of knocking back. Spirit Hammers, however, for now, still knockback (for balance reasons, but also holy crusader imagery reasons)
* Hammer’s mastery, the leap attack, now also applies knockback in addition to hammer’s other qualities. This may be a bit strange or strong, we’ll see, but it’s an attempt to preserve the leap attack’s combat flow control.
* If you lost your Sorcery tattoos, reserve or unreserve a spell, they’ll come back now.
* TP gains over 300 points will always inform you now. For example, if you kill a boss and get 1200 TP, you’ll see a message about it.
* Can’t start or join any survivals from Desert Afterlife now.
All players who started survivals from the afterlife have retroactively been given 1 death per instance…… just kidding.
* Whenever tattoo scrolls are in a chest, vault, or player’s inventory, their name changes to the skill they hold.
Tattoo scrolls on the ground are still just called ‘tattoo scrolls’ because you’re too far away to see specifics without looking at their descrip.
So, for example, you’ll pick up a ‘tattoo scroll’ from a tomb, but if you go to offer or drop it, or you put it in a chest, it’ll be called ‘spirit link’ or ’empower’ or ‘entropy’ etc.
* Just a reminder, for people asking for buffs to hex duration, their BASE duration was upped to a full minute a few patches ago.
* Passive quests have been fixed up a bit. Still working on them.
* Vecka now gives you a major sky heartstone when you find her in the Eternal Wastes as part of the desert quest line. She won’t give you anything unless her father specifically sent you to find her. (aka you need the quest). This reward only happens once per character for now.
* Players who’ve already completed that step of the desert quest line will find a major sky heartstone in their inventory.